"Keep digging you little twit!" I yelled at that little abomination of a Shih Tzu while pushing him forward. "You're smashing me.. and I'm tired!" "You don't have time to be tired!" I exclaimed wiping the dirt from my forhead, "Besides, don't you want to see all those bouncy balls of the other side?" I added. "Yesh, yesh, yesh" he exclaimed. His eyes glaze over and full bore digging commenced again. We were close to breaking ground on the other side when I heard the creaking of the screen door opening. No doubt my, "Master" was coming outside -scanning the yard for us. "Faster... it's the big moron" I pleaded. "Dosh he want to play?" the little dirt caked tail in front of my face started to wag excitedly. "Move you idiot - he wants to get us with the newspaper!" I screamed while pushing forward harder. "But I didn't go in the housh" was all I heard before the big brute yanked my collar effectively pulling me back into the daylight. The sun stung my eyes and it took a few seconds for my vision to adjust. I saw the fat fool reaching into the hole to extract the lump of brown dirt with eyes...
Now I sit dejected again in my dog hole - plans of freedom again squashed. The abomination is inside getting washed because his white hair doesn't release soil so easily like my fur. It's the only pleasure I can find out of this whole situation. That little fink better not rat me out! Sure it was my idea, but he went along with the plan willingly once he heard about the Shangri -La on the other side of the wall complete with thousands of rubber balls that bounce themselves and streets made of beef jerky. Oh, he was excited to go alright but now he's probably in there singing away - the lousy little stool pigeon! And the big idiot owner will probably believe him too! Oh well., it's off to plan B - dogapult. I have a small version worked up to test on the abomination once he comes back out. If it works out - I'll make the larger version to launch myself to freedom. Wish me luck!