Well, here we go - the kids are home on their first day of summer break. It won't be long now before the family home starts to look like a scene from, "Lord of the Flies" once the brats break down leadership and take over. I've decide to spend my time bunkered in my dog hole to avoid dealing with the twerps - as if having the owner around wasn't bad enough to begin with! At least I'll enjoy watching the big moron's descent into madness as he vainly struggles to sustain order. The little one has already begun the process by attempting to be the first child to achieve complete corneal meltdown by means of video game LCD overload. The older one is taking a different path to elicit his Father's insanity by morphing into a creature that is part teenager and part bed. We'll be lucky if he emerges from hibernation by 2:00 pm. Yep, it sure is going to be interesting around here for the next few months.